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Doris and Franks Games Rule Translations

We are proud that our games are available in countries all over the world. Our games are present at all five continents. Though one can see we have no shops in Africa.

English Rules?

We have English translations of all our game rules. We box those English rules to all games we ship outside Germany but not in the ones, we ship to Germany. If you order our games from a German mail order please ask explicitely for English rules! Sending rules to US, UK or Australia is a very expensive thing to do for us. Thank you!


There are quite a few translations of Ursuppe arround, therefore we have devoted a own page for these

Other games

At the externGamecabinet you can find translations some of our games rules into extern English and extern French . Bruno Faidutto provides french rules on his site for externPico and extern Igel Ärgern

Piet Notebaert has Dutch rule translations and reviews of our game on externhis site .

Here are French rules of Zoff im Zoo aka Frank's Zoo : Word format (40k) , the same zipped Same but zipped (7k) . They were kindly provided by Francis K. Lalumiere.

Finnish translations, can be found on externLautapelaaja.net in detail: externFrank's Zoo aka Zoff im Zoo translation and externMü translation.

And this is a Zip-Archive with Japanese Rules for Zoff im Zoo/Frank's Zoo .


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http://doris-frank.de/Transl.html changed 1/16/06, rendered 4/17/07
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